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PHP: HTTP Request Body
php://input is a read-only stream that allows you to read raw data from the request body. php://input is not available in POST requests with enctype=”multipart/form-data” if enable_post_data_reading option is enabled. References:
Windows: Delete EFI Boot Entry
As Administrator run: To delete the entry: Or you can run the GUI version:
Laravel: Queue
Laravel is using Jobs to encapsulate the message. To send a message to the queue first you need to create Job class: INFO Job [app/Jobs/TestJob.php] created successfully. You will get a class with _construct() and handle() method. To send a message you only need to focus on the _construct() method. If you want to send…
Linux: Jobs Command
Before this command do anything useful, we have to run something: Once you hit enter on the command above, hit Ctrl-Z to stop and go back to command prompt. Now you can run the jobs command to list currently stopped/running-in-the-background jobs/commands. [1]+ Stopped tail -f /dev/null When you want to go back to your last…
Kubernetes: Deployments via CURL
Forward Kubernetes API server to localhost port 8001. Get all deployments from default namespace. Get specific deployment from default namespace. Create deployment. References:
Hikvision: NVR RTSP URL Address
NOTE: <stream-number> represents the main-stream (01), or the sub-stream (02) References:
Linux: Bourne Shell Scripting Variables
$0 is the script / program name. If you run echo $0 straight from the shell you probably will get “bash” back. $@ is an array of arguments. It consists of $1 $2 … $N. The loop counter will return how many arguments you have. When N is more than a single digit, it must…