Category: Uncategorized

  • Kubernetes: RoleBinding, ClusterRoleBinding

    RoleBinding in Kubernetes is used to tie together ServiceAccount and/or User and/or Group to particular Role/ClusterRole. RoleBinding is limited within a particular namespace, whereas ClusterRoleBinding is global. Binding Role to ServiceAccount : Binding Role to User: Binding Role to Group: Once you bind, you can check the permission with: Refrences:

  • Kubernetes: Role, ClusterRole

    Role and ClusterRole in Kubernetes is used to limit access to Kubernetes API. Role is limited within a particular namespace, whereas ClusterRole is global. To create Role: To get the list of the resources: To get the list of verbs related to a particular resource: Resources:

  • Kubernetes: Service Account

    ServiceAccount is used for the pods to access API server, among other things. Every namespace has at least one ServiceAccount called default. To create a ServiceAccount: We will create ServiceAccount called Foo and attach this SA to a Pod: Token is used to access Kubernetes API server. To generate token for that SA: References:

  • Kafka Connect: S3

    “topics.dir“: track at files under folder s3://my-bucket/quickstart/. Use a blank space (” “) to track files under the bucket root s3://my-bucket/. If you do not set this, by default it will use folder s3://my-bucket/topics/ “topic.regex.list“: track file “.*” (any), “.*\.json” (.json) and write it to Kafka topic “quick-start-topic” “format.class“: read here “mode“: there are 2…

  • Manjaro: KDE Keyboard Layout

    To edit keyboard layout, go to: For US layout: To reinstall messed up keyboard layout:

  • Kafka Connect: JDBC MariaDB/MySQL

    Once you fire up Kafka Connect, you will need to install JDBC plugin from confluent hub: Then you will need to download MariaDB/MySQL connector (it is not included with the JDBC) and drop it into the plugin directory. If you are using MySQL connector, choose the “Platform Independent” and extract the tar/zip. You will find…

  • Kafka Connect Installation

    Standalone Mode Edit this file to make sure bootstrap server points to the right host-name: Distributed mode KEY_CONVERTER & VALUE_CONVERTER click here. Manually: You can put this file in any folder with any name: Run it with: References:

  • S3: AWS CLI Custom URL

    Install AWS CLI here. Configure: Edit .aws/config: Test References:

  • Ksqldb: Table

    Create a Table from Kafka Topic: Table created this way will not be queryable! To make it queryable, you have to derive it to a new Table: Or you can make the Table read-only by adding SOURCE keyword, then it will be queryable: If you are using kafka-console-producer to produce a message, then: CAVEATS: The…

  • Ksqldb: Stream

    Create a stream from Kafka Topic: When you create a Stream it will read Kafka Topic from beginning. Inserting into a Stream will also insert to Kafka Topic: Inside its underlying Kafka Topic, this will insert: We cannot query a Kafka Topic, but we can query a Stream: If Kafka Key maters, then create stream…