Category: Uncategorized

  • Kafka Connect Installation

    Standalone Mode Edit this file to make sure bootstrap server points to the right host-name: Distributed mode KEY_CONVERTER & VALUE_CONVERTER click here. Manually: You can put this file in any folder with any name: Run it with: References:

  • S3: AWS CLI Custom URL

    Install AWS CLI here. Configure: Edit .aws/config: Test References:

  • Ksqldb: Table

    Create a Table from Kafka Topic: Table created this way will not be queryable! To make it queryable, you have to derive it to a new Table: Or you can make the Table read-only by adding SOURCE keyword, then it will be queryable: If you are using kafka-console-producer to produce a message, then: CAVEATS: The…

  • Ksqldb: Stream

    Create a stream from Kafka Topic: When you create a Stream it will read Kafka Topic from beginning. Inserting into a Stream will also insert to Kafka Topic: Inside its underlying Kafka Topic, this will insert: We cannot query a Kafka Topic, but we can query a Stream: If Kafka Key maters, then create stream…

  • Node: Export Import

    Export Let’s say we have a file called export.mjs. Alternative export syntax with the same result as above: Import Create a file called import.mjs: References:

  • Vite: Module Federation with Vue3

    Create two projects called vite-remote and vite-host: Install the plugin in both apps: Head to vite-remote and open vite.config.js: It is important to build the project first, in order to generate dist folder, before starting the server. Build the project with: Start the server for vite-remote you should get port 5173: Next, head to vite-host…

  • Quasar Framework: Vite Module Federation

    Create two projects called remote-app and host-app: Install the plugin in remote-app and host-app: Create a component in remote-app called HelloWorld.vue: Inside remote-app open quasar.config.js: Inside host-app quasar.config.js: Inside host-app App.vue: Start the remote-app. This will assign port 9000 to remote-app. Start the host-app. This will assign port 9001 to host-app.

  • Kafka: REST Proxy

    v2: v3: { “kind”: “KafkaClusterList”, “metadata”: {   “self”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters”,   “next”: null }, “data”: [   {     “kind”: “KafkaCluster”,     “metadata”: {       “self”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw”,       “resource_name”: “crn:///kafka=4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw”     },     “cluster_id”: “4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw”,     “controller”: {       “related”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw/brokers/1”     },     “acls”: {       “related”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw/acls”     },     “brokers”: {       “related”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw/brokers”     },     “broker_configs”: {       “related”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw/broker-configs”     },     “consumer_groups”: {       “related”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw/consumer-groups”     },     “topics”: {       “related”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw/topics”     },     “partition_reassignments”: {       “related”: “http://rest-proxy:8082/v3/clusters/4L6g3nShT-eMCtK–X86sw/topics/-/partitions/-/reassignment”     }   } ]} References: