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PowerShell: File Read
Read a file and stream to stdout Read a file line by line and save it to a variable Read a file as Byte[]
PowerShell: Serial Port
Get available serial port Setup the port Set port property Construct the request Send request to the port References: SerialPort Class (System.IO.Ports) | Microsoft Docs
Curl: GET and POST Request
GET Request To call a GET request to localhost:8080/path GET Request with Parameter Query To call a GET request to localhost:8080/path?param1&value1¶m2=value2 Use wget: POST Request (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) To call a POST request to localhost:8080/path POST Request with Query Parameters POST Request (multipart/form-data) To call a POST request to localhost:8080/path
S3 API: Object Operations
S3 will show the result lexicographically. List buckets String to sign: Get bucket ACL String to sign: List bucket contents String to sign: String to sign: List object String to sign: Get object String to sign: Delete object String to sign: String to sign: String to sign: Resources:
Vim: Split Pane
Ctrl-w + Ctrl-vCtrl-w + v:vsplit:vs:wincmd v:winc v New vertical split. Ctrl-w + Ctrl-sCtrl-w + s:split:sp:wincmd s:winc s New horizontal split. Ctrl-w + Ctrl-wCtrl-w + w Cycle pane. Ctrl-w + Ctrl-h / j / k / lCtrl-w + h / j / k / l Navigate to left / down / up / right pane. Ctrl-w…
Vim: Terminal
Horizontal terminal Vertical terminal Navigating <CTRL-W> <CTRL-W> (cycle) <CTRL-W> <CTRL-H> (left) <CTRL-W> <CTRL-J> (down) <CTRL-W> <CTRL-K> (up) <CTRL-W> <CTRL-L> (left) Scrolling To scroll the terminal press <CTRL-\> <CTRL-N> then you can scroll with k (up) and j (down). Exiting the terminal To close the terminal window type exit or press <CTRL-D>.
Unhandled Exception pada e-SPT eSPT PPh 2126 v.
Jika program e-SPT PPh 2126 v. muncul peringatan: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. No data exists for the row/column. Lalu jika kita tekan tombol Details muncul pesan seperti berikut: See…