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Category: Uncategorized
OpenSSL: Password Encryption
Generate password file This will generate 64 bytes file with random bytes. Encrypt using password file Decrypt using password file
Laravel: Service Container
Service container pada Laravel adalah sebuah class dimana terdapat beberapa protected properties yang menyimpan data dalam bentuk key & value pairs. Key & value tersebut digunakan untuk me-resolve class (key) menjadi class lainnya (value) sehingga dengan cara ini kita dapat merubah implementasi sebuah class dengan cepat. Untuk penggunaan dependency injection, secara garis besar, Laravel bisa…
QuasarJS: TailwindCSS v3
#1. Add TailwindCSS to the project. #2. Initialize TailwindCSS this will generate tailwind.config.js. #3. Add to postcss.config.js. #4. Add to src/css/app.scss. #5. Add content required to tailwind.config.js.
Nginx: Docker Redirect
Spin off a new Nginx container in docker. Go in side the newly created container. Create some folders and files inside the root of http. We will get something like this: Now see what happens if we try to go to this url: You can see on line 14 above that it redirect our request…
Windows: L2TP VPN Problem
Configure L2TP/IPsec server behind NAT-T device – Windows Server | Microsoft Learn #1. Open regedit and go to: #2. Right click > New > DWORD (32-bit) Value #3. Type AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule as the key #4. Set value to 2 #5. Reboot your computer References:
NodeJS: Timezone
Config When dateStrings: true, DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMPS are converted to ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss’ format. Thus, timezone setting does not affect the result. Using process.env.TZ Output: Using date.toLocaleString() Output: Using bash/shell References: