Author: Website Admin

  • Microsoft Graph: User Authentication with PHP (WebApp)

    First you need to: 1. Register your application, 2. Set the callback URL redirect. 3. Create a client secret key. state (recomended): A value included in the request that’s also returned in the token response. It can be a string of any content that you wish. A randomly generated unique value is typically used for preventing…

  • S3: Set CORS

    Create an XML file: Then apply it with: You can check the CORS with: To remove CORS: References:

  • K3S: Built-in Traefik

    To configure the built-in Traefik, first we create a new YAML file: Apply the new YAML file with kubectl. To revert back to original config: References:

  • Kubernetes: Traefik IngressRoute

    IngressRoute is Traefik CustomResourceDefinition (CRD). It is used to manage access external access to the services. Same function as Ingress, just different implementations. Middleware is also Traefik CustomResourceDefinition (CRD). It is used to “tweak” your request and/or response. Using Ingress, we apply the Middleware by adding it as an annotations. Using IngressRoute, we define the…

  • Kubernetes: User Authorization with Certificate

    Generate a private key: Generate a certificate signing request (csr) from private key: CN is the user, O is the group. We create CertificateSigningRequest to Kubernetes: .spec.signerName read here. Once you send the CSR, you can query it with: Now Admin will approve/deny the CSR: Once you got approved, fetch the signed certificate and wrap…

  • Kubernetes: RoleBinding, ClusterRoleBinding

    RoleBinding in Kubernetes is used to tie together ServiceAccount and/or User and/or Group to particular Role/ClusterRole. RoleBinding is limited within a particular namespace, whereas ClusterRoleBinding is global. Binding Role to ServiceAccount : Binding Role to User: Binding Role to Group: Once you bind, you can check the permission with: Refrences:

  • Kubernetes: Role, ClusterRole

    Role and ClusterRole in Kubernetes is used to limit access to Kubernetes API. Role is limited within a particular namespace, whereas ClusterRole is global. To create Role: To get the list of the resources: To get the list of verbs related to a particular resource: Resources:

  • Kubernetes: Service Account

    ServiceAccount is used for the pods to access API server, among other things. Every namespace has at least one ServiceAccount called default. To create a ServiceAccount: We will create ServiceAccount called Foo and attach this SA to a Pod: Token is used to access Kubernetes API server. To generate token for that SA: References:

  • Kafka Connect: S3

    “topics.dir“: track at files under folder s3://my-bucket/quickstart/. Use a blank space (” “) to track files under the bucket root s3://my-bucket/. If you do not set this, by default it will use folder s3://my-bucket/topics/ “topic.regex.list“: track file “.*” (any), “.*\.json” (.json) and write it to Kafka topic “quick-start-topic” “format.class“: read here “mode“: there are 2…

  • Manjaro: KDE Keyboard Layout

    To edit keyboard layout, go to: For US layout: To reinstall messed up keyboard layout: