
:set foldmethod=normal
:set fdm=normal
manualManually define fold range.
indentAutomatic make the folds based on indent.
syntaxAutomatic make the folds based on your file extension.
exprUse :set foldexpr=TODO.
markerManually define fold range and add a marker.
diffvim -d file1 file2
vimdiff file2 file2
:set diffopt=filler,context:0


zf{motion}Define fold using motion. zfiB, zfib, zfi[, zfj
{count}zFDefine fold using count. 2zF = zfj= :.,+1fo = 2:fo
:{range} foDefine fold using range. :.,+1fo = 2zF = zfj
zdDelete fold at the cursor.
zEDelete all fold in the buffer.
zoReveal fold at the cursor.
zcClose fold at the cursor.
zaToggle reveal/close at the cursor.
ziTurn fold on/off.
zrUnfold (reveal) per-level.
zmFold (close) per-level.
zRReveal all folds in the buffer.
zMClose all folds in the buffer.
zOReveal all folds from cursor’s root.
zCClose folds from cursor’s child to its root.


When you press zC while your cursor at childA it will fold to root. When you reveal root, childA is folded, childB is not.
zAToggle zO/zC.
zkUp one fold section.
zjDown one fold section.

Saving a fold

In manual mode, when you close the buffer, the fold is gone.

To save the fold the memory, use :mkview. To load from the memory, use :loadview.

To save the fold to a file, use :mkview <filename>. To load the fold from a file, use :loadview <filename>.

Fold column

:set foldcolumn=0-9
:set fdc=0-9



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