Kubernetes: Helm Chart


Listing repositories

helm repo list

Adding a repository

# If require authentication add
# --username <username> and --password <password>
helm repo add <local-repo-name> <repo-url>

# Example:
helm repo add longhorn https://charts.longhorn.io

Removing one or many repositories

helm repo remove [REPO1 [REPO2 ...]]

# Example
helm repo remove longhorn

Updating all or some repositories

# All
helm repo update

# Some
helm repo update [REPO1 [REPO2 ...]]

# Example
helm repo update longhorn

If you do not have a HELM repository, you can use OCI compatible docker/container registry to store your helm chart.


Listing running charts

# Default namespace
helm list

# All namespace
helm list --all
helm list -A

Status of a running chart

# Default namespace
helm status <chart-name>

# Specific namespace
helm status <chart-name> --namespace <chart-namespace>
helm status <chart-name> -n <chart-namespace>



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