Golang: Printing Struct

Say we have a struct like this:

type Employee struct {
	Name string
    Age  int
    Job  string

Then in your main function you have:

func main() {
	emp1 := Employee{
		Name: "Anton",
		Age: "28",
		Job: "Cashier"

Printing the struct using print function:

=> {Anton 28 Cashier}

fmt.Printf("%v\n", emp1)
=> {Anton 28 Cashier}

fmt.Printf("%+v\n", emp1)
=> {Name:Anton Age:28 Job:Cashier}

fmt.Printf("%#v\n", emp1)
=> main.Employee{Name:"Anton", Age:28, Job:"Cashier"}

Printing the struct using json.MarshalIndent function:

func MarshalIndent(v any, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {}
// myStruct is an array of bytes ([]byte)
// V
myStruct, err := json.MarshalIndent(emp1, "", "\t")

// we need to cast myStruct from []byte to string
//                              V
fmt.Println("Print struct:", string(myStruct))
=> Print struct: {
        "Name": "Anton",
        "Age": 28,
        "Job": "Cashier"



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