Tmux: Session, Window, Pane


Start a session

tmux new
tmux new -s something

CTRL-b + d – Detach from current session

List sessions

tmux ls

CTRL-b + s – Show sessions from inside the session

Attach to a session

tmux attach -t 0
tmux a -t 0
tmux a -t something

Rename a “nameless” session to something meaningful

temux rename -t 0 db-ses

CTRL-b + $ – Rename current session from inside the session


CTRL-b + c – Create a new window

CTRL-b + , – Rename current window

CTRL-b + w – Select window (and session, and pane)

CTRL-b + p – Previous window

CTRL-b + n – Next window

CTRL-b + <number> – Jump to window <number>

CTRL-b + & – Close a window (or type exit or CTRL-d)


CTRL-b + % – Split vertical

CTRL-b + “ – Split horizontal

CTRL-b + [up, down, left, right] – Move between panes

CTRL-b + [ – Scroll window

CTRL-b + z – Expand/shrik pane

CTRL-b + ! – Convert pane to window

CTRL-b + q – Show pane number

CTRL-b + q <number> – Switch to pane <number>

CTRL-b + { – Move pane to left

CTRL-b + } – Move pane to right

CTRL-b + x – Close a pane (or type exit or CTRL-d)



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